
Marie Poulin

Designing workflows that work for our weird and unique needs • Exploring Business with Notion • Capacity Planning • Energy Management • ADHD • Permaculture • Subscribe below!

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Perfectionism: the silent productivity killer that masquerades as a virtue

Perfectionism kills productivity. Digital permaculture offers us a way to reframe perfectionism and embrace learning. Hey Reader, AH, perfectionism. It's a topic I love to discuss. As someone who once identified with being a "perfectionist," it look many years of coaching and therapy to unpack and reframe my relationship with perfectionism. Perfectionism is your brain trying to protect you from harm. From coming up with an idea that is embarrassing and stupid and could cause you to suffer...

Are you ready to become a Notion Consultant? The past few weeks we got a few emails from folks who want to start consulting with Notion, but might be a little intimidated by not knowing if they’re ready. If this is you, then this email is for you; 1 parts pump-up motivation, 1 parts guides for things to think about when/if you want to make the jump to earning money selling your Notion services. You're more ready than you think Many of our students "finish" (haha, impossible) the Notion...

There's nothing like connecting in person. Hey Reader, It's been a while; I'm only now finally emerging from the fog of pain from a hip injury that took me out for a good chunk of the summer. Notion recently teased their upcoming Charts feature, and it's come in handy as I have been using it in my Hip Physio + Rehab dashboard (I've got early access to Charts, but they'll be releasing it very soon, don't worry!): I created a pain diary to help me log my pain throughout the day, as well as...

The new All setting in Notion database automation triggers

Database Automation Improvements I know you're all anxiously waiting to get full access to Notion Charts (it's coming soon!), but today Notion shipped some really great updates to database automations that allow us to do more with our triggers and actions. The new "All of" option in database automation triggers. This week I'm bringing you an overview of the key new improvements to automations, namely: You can now specify conditions for triggers that match "All" filters. Text, Number, Select,...

Harnessing Notion for Health Management Pain and symptom tracking for better health management and (hopefully) pain relief! Hey Reader, As I write this newsletter, I’m suffering from a sports-related injury that is going to take some time to heal. I went from playing softball 3x/week to shuffling at a snails pace around my local neighbourhood. When you're in pain, it's nearly impossible to think about being productive. And since pain management and rest/recovery are the main things on my mind...

Formula Recursion with Sub-items Notion Mastery student and Notion Ambassador Jeff asked in the community forums this week: "How do I count how many items are nested as sub-items [when using the sub-items feature of table views]?" For example, if we had sub-items in a Notion database like: Grandparent Parent Child #1 Child #2 We can get information about Parent from Grandparent through a relation, but how would we get information about Child from Grandparent? For example, if we wanted to be...

Just eat it. "I don't care if you're full, just eat it..."– Weird Al Hey Reader, We recently had the pleasure (finally!) of getting to visit Notion headquarters in San Francisco! Ben and I spent the day at Notion, meeting many of the team members, community members, and even our own Notion Mastery students. We met with various Notion internal teams, sharing insights and feedback, and got a sneak peek of some of Notion's future roadmap. We did an internal AMA with the team to share a bit of...

An ongoing confusion Even though Notion added this sweet new debugging tool to the formula editor that tells you what type of property the formula is returning, it still only shows you the return result of the entire formula. Toggle the "eye" icon to reveal the return type. I've noticed that sometimes folks are still getting confused about the difference between Select, Multi-Select, and Status properties when using them in formulas, so I wrote up a little guide on what functions you should...

The complexity of simplicity What happens when we have to design systems that work for many different brains? Hey Reader, As I was beginning to plan and design our new raised garden beds, I asked my husband out of curiosity, "How would you number these garden beds?" Which ultimately led to an unexpected and interesting discussion around complexity and assumptions. Benjamin Borowski👨🚒 @typeoneerror Funny exercise: Assuming I am standing on my porch, how would you number these beds 1-4?...

Formula Debugging Mode If you've taken my Formula Fundamentals course (and if you haven't, hit reply and ask me for a 20% off coupon!), you'll probably be aware that one of the biggest gotchas with Formulas 2.0 is that lists are displayed without "brackets" in the formula editor. This means that if you write a list in a formula like: [1, 2, 3, 4] and a list with a sub-list like: [1, [2, 3], 4] They are both displayed in table view outputs and the formula editor as "1, 2, 3, 4". We can't...